The Dominant Wife

TOO MUCH. control. leading. deciding. naggingand THE HUSBAND has:TOO LITTLE. control. leading.

deciding. say in their life decisionsSuffice to say, there will be TOO MUCH:. anger and resentment in both parties ('My husband is so demotivated!

If I don't lead, nothing will happen!' Or 'My wife is too overbearing! If I say anything, she will just shout at me/grumble/force her way, so I would just rather shut up and make her have her way to keep the 'peace'.' ).

disorder from having muddled or interchanged roles. shame from both parties (the wife feels so unfeminine and the husband feels so emasculated)There will also be TOO LITTLE. joy and peace (The couple can fake it but they themselves feel very unhappy and discontented with the setup.). God-inspired order (Roles are interchanged. Wife feels too tired from having to wear both the pants and the skirt in the relationship.

Husband feels very depressed from having to wear no pants at all! Now, in 2013, I feel lit up from within because of this submissive journey. My spirit is all aglow! (And I am not wearing false eyelashes anymore! They have grown back.

Yay!)When I did find the strength to talk to Dong, I apologized for my behavior and told him that:. I was so so so sorry for hurting his feelings. I was just so clueless! I thought I was actually being so nice to him by being so driven and contributing to the family income.

I did not want to lead the family anymore. I was turning over the reins. I am getting out of my way, his way and God's Way. I wanted him to lead me and our family to where God wants us to go. Star wars arcade video game. I loved him and that my gift to him was my submission to him.That is the REASON for this BLOG. Dong saw through my heart and my real desire to change, and told me one time: 'I want you to blog about your journey. Write your own version ofthe Peacefulwife’s blog for the Philippines.

Our country is in direneed of role models to follow. I am sick and tired too of hearing abouthusbands and fathers saying that the worst thing that can happen to aman is to get married and have kids. Why do most men feel that way?Shouldn’t we feel happy that we got married and have children? Just wow.And he even said,“I am enjoying this, whatever it is you are doing. I am reapingall its benefits. I wish for more married couples to experience this.” God. In future blog posts, I will be sharing just how my gift of submission has awakened my passive husband's leadership qualities and how he is slowly but surely becoming the man God wants him to be.We are one in Breadmaking.

Let's go make some bread!:). I am Veronica Alejar, wife of Dong Alejar and mother of 4 little children, aged 1 to 9. Laurice TuasonHi Ate Nikka,I don't know if you remember me but we went to Holy together.Today, God told me to google you.

You see, I'm a new mom and have been looking for a lot of inspiration. I remembered you seeing that you are a happy wife and a beautiful mom to equally 4 beautiful children.Thank you for sharing your journey. I am in the same season as you in my marriage. Although I super duper love my husband, I am the dominant wife.

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I thank God that He led me to your blog. You are an instrument of his Word:). Hi Laurice!!!:)You made my day, sister.:)Yesterday, as I was praying to the Lord, I told Him that though I write every single blog post here for an Audience of ONE (Him), and that He can eradicate the whole thing if He wants to, but that I will continue to write as long as He wants me to, I asked Him if I was making a dent in people's lives by doing what I was doing. It seemed to me that lives were being touched OUTSIDE of the Philippines.

I am glad that the blog is reaching out to many wives and sisters in Christ abroad, but since this is really initially for Filipinas, I was wondering why it seemed to not be hitting its target audience.I just told the Lord to use the blog any way He wants to use it, and I will just continue to witness to Him. BUT.I also asked that He send me some sort of positive reinforcement that He was pleased with the ministry. Philippines I am Veronica Alejar, wife of Dong Alejar and mother of 4 little children, aged 1 to 9.