Compellent Software Bundles

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Overview:Data has become the fuel that drives business acceleration, making organizations today extremelyreliant on data storage. And that makes the storage decision strategic, far-reaching and full of risk.Limited-point products, dead-end growth paths and bolt-on software applications create rigidboundaries around data storage. With an integrated software feature set, Dell Compellent enablesenterprises of all sizes to move beyond simply storing data to actively, intelligently managing data.Powerful storage software with built-in automation optimizes the provisioning, placement andprotection of data throughout its lifecycle.
Dynamic Capacity™Dell Compellent Thin Provisioning delivers the highest enterprise storage utilization possible by eliminating pre-allocated but unused capacity. Embed pdf parameters. The software, Dynamic Capacity, completely separates allocation from utilization, enabling users to provision any size volume upfront yet only consume disk space when data is written. Key Benefits: Built from the ground up to manage data differentlyDell Compellent Storage Center leverages a patentedarchitecture that changes the way you manage data. Empoweredby real-time system intelligence about each block, data ismoved where it's needed, when it's needed, based on actualuse and performance needs. This granular, real-time systemintelligence also enables Storage Center to virtualize the storageinfrastructure—bringing new efficiency, agility and resiliency toenterprise storage by creating a pool of high-performance storageshared by all hosts. Deliver better performance with less hardwareDell Compellent virtualizes storage at the drive level, acceleratingdata access by spreading read/write operations across all drivesso multiple requests are processed in parallel. You can createhigh performance, highly-efficient virtual volumes in secondswithout allocating drives to specific servers, without complicatedcapacity planning and without performance tuning.
Remove thelimitations of physical drives and dynamically change and scaleyour virtualized pool without disruption or downtime. Drive down the total cost of storageWith patented tiering technology, Dell Compellent DataProgression™ automatically classifi es and migrates data to theoptimum storage tier and RAID level based on actual usage. Allnew data is written to tier 1, RAID 10, and snapshots cascade to thelowest available tier within 24 hours.
Compellent Software Bundles For Pc
Then, the most active blocksof data remain on high-performance SSD, FC or SAS drives, whileless active blocks automatically move to lower-cost, high-capacitySAS or SATA drives. The result is storage that is always in tune withapplication needs—and an overall cost per GB that decreases asyou grow. Maximize storage utilizationBuilt into every Dell Compellent system, Dynamic Capacity™thin provisions volumes for ultra-efficient storage utilization.Our advanced thin provisioning completely separates storageallocation from utilization, enabling users to allocate any sizevolume upfront, yet only consume physical capacity when data iswritten. You can even reclaim capacity that is no longer in use byapplications, automatically reduce the space needed for virtual OSvolumes and convert traditional volumes on existing storage tothin-provisioned capacity. Protect data against downtime and disasterWith Data Instant Replay™, you can take continuous space-efficientsnapshots to speed the local recovery of lost or deleted files. Oncean initial snapshot of a volume is taken, only incremental changesin data need to be captured.
These readable and writable Replaysare automatically stored on lower cost drives and can be used torecover any size volume to any server in less than 10 seconds.Remote Instant Replay™ leverages these Replays between localand remote sites to deliver a cost-effective replication solution.After initial site synchronization, only incremental changes in dataare replicated on an ongoing basis—cutting hardware, bandwidthand administration costs. You can replicate over Fibre Channel ornative IP, depending on your unique business requirements. Provide dynamic business continuityLive Volume enables organizations to move storage on demandbetween Dell Compellent arrays to deliver high availability andcontinuous access to data.
Compellent Software Bundles For Free
All migration occurs transparently whileapplications remain online. And the functionality is fully integrated,eliminating the need for additional hardware or server-side agents.Live Volume supports any virtualized server environment andcomplements leading virtual machine (VM) movement engines.