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Do a screenshot of the contents of your WOAI folder showing the path and files inside.I do not have WOAI in FSX any more. So I cannot ref it for structure (paths) now.But I do have MyTraffic (manually installed) and my full path to the AI is ok:Entry.10PATH=SimObjectsCountermeasuresTITLE=Default CountermeasuresACTIVE=trueREQUIRED=trueEntry.11PATH=F:MyTraffic ProfessionalMyTrafficAircraftTITLE=MyTraffic VehiclesACTIVE=trueREQUIRED=trueI try never to put (install) anything into my P3Dv3 folders.That is why, in an earlier post, I asked if you were using the 'full path' to your WOAI files.
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ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescriptionExe (Zip)(Mathcad 15)Evaluates the construction stability and temporary bracing requirements of simple span pretensioned beams (uniform shapes:Florida-I and AASHTO Type II) in accordance with AASHTO LRFD, FDOT Structures Manual and Guide Design Specifications for Bridge Temporary Works.Exe(Mathcad 15)Biaxial Column: analyzes arbitrary reinforced or prestressed concrete shapes providing the 3D interaction diagram.Note: Java required. ProgramRelease DateFile TypeDescriptionExeUsed with(formerly)for the design and analysis of traffic signal supports consisting of dual cables connected to steel or concrete strain poles in accordancewith the 5th Ed. AASHTO LTS Design Specification. Available from the University of Florida Bridge Software Institute.Zip(Mathcad 15)Used with(formerly)to design cantilever signalsupport structures in accordancewith the AASHTO LRFD LTS DesignSpecification.xlsxUsed with(formerly)to design FDOT Standardcantilever signal supportstructures in accordance withthe AASHTO LRFD LTS DesignSpecification.Zip(Mathcad 15)Used withtodesign cantilever signal structures in accordance with the AASHTO LTS Design Specification, 6th Ed. Included are Standard Mastarm D & E input files.Zip(Mathcad 14)Analyzes traffic signal supports consisting of a single cable connected to steel or concrete strain poles in accordance with the AASHTO LTSDesign Specification, 6th Ed.Geotechnical Programs.