Serial 16x2 Lcd Arduino

Is an alphanumeric display that can show up to 32 characters on a single screen. You can display more characters by scrolling the texts one by one. We have already seen in our previous.

But those two modes will utilize many numbers of GPIO Pins of our Arduino and we would have to end up with less number of pins for other sensors and actuators.To overcome this problem we use with our. This uses PCF8574 Remote 8 bit I/O Expander. It translates the data received from the I2C Bus into Parallel data that is needed for the LCD Display.I2C – Inter-Integrated Circuit:Inter-integrated Circuit (in short I2C) is a two-wire short distance communication protocol. You can use multiple slave devices in the same two wires with one or more master controllers. You may wonder how does the master identifies which slave does the data to be sent. In I2C the external devices have an I2C address for different external devices like LCD Backpack, OLED Display, etc. By using the address the data is sent to the specific device connected on the same I2C Bus.The message is broken into two frames and sent serially via the I2C Bus.

The first frame contains the address, once the address matches with any device on I2C bus, that device will send an acknowledge signal to the master. After receiving the acknowledgment from the slave the data bits are sent. By this method an I2C bus works.16×2 LCD Display:A means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. In this LCD each character is displayed in the 5×7 pixel matrix.LCD Pinout:There are totally 16 pins in an. You can use directly all the pins in 8-bit mode with Arduino or 12 pins using 4-bit mode.

In this tutorial, we use the I2C module for LCD and multiplex it into just 4 pins. This pin details might not be useful while using I2C Method but this is the actual pin details of all the pins in LCD Display.Vcc – Power Supply (5v)Vdd/GND – GroundV0 – Brightness Control using PotentiometerRS – Register select. Specify what we are sending Command or Data. Sets to 0 for Command mode like setCursor, LCD Clear, TurnOFF LCD. Set 1 for data mode like sending Data/Characters.R/W – Read/Write. Mostly we are writing data/characters to the registers.E – Enable writing to Registers.D0 to D7 – Data pins.

Serial 16x2 lcd arduino diagram

Send 4bit/8bit data to display characters. The Arduino library provides 4bit and 8bit mode. The data will be in ASCII format.A/LED+ – Anode (Backlight LED)K/LED- – Cathode (Backlight LED)I2C Pinout:The LCD I2C Backpack only has 4 Pins. They areGND – GroundVCC – 5V Power SupplySDA – Data LineSCK – Clock LineCircuit diagram:The connection is simple just attach the LCD Backpack as shown in the image (Pins coming outwards).

Lcd I2c Arduino Code Hello World

ConnectGND – Ground of ArduinoVCC – 5V Arduino PinSDA – SDA Pin of Arduino (mentioned in the backside of Arduino)SCL – SCL Pin of Arduino (mentioned in the backside of Arduino)Finding I2C Address of our backpack:First, we need to find the address of our I2C LCD Backpack. For that, we will be using I2C Scanner code to display the address in the serial monitor. Upload the following code, then note down the I2C address from the serial monitor.

In my case, it is 0x27. Node down the address displayed for you. Mostly it will be 0x27 only. In case you have another I2C device connected on the same bus it will show that address too.Now we will be using this address on our code.Download and Install LiquidCrystalI2C by from and Install it in IDE by navigating SketchInclude library and choose the downloaded library file.Now the LCD I2C library is installed.

We need to define and initialize the library using its associated functions. The steps is as follows. Or you can copy the code given below to print Hello World example.Declare the LiquidCrystalI2C.h library by using the following line. In the above code, we have created an LCD object for ‘LiquidCrystalI2C’. So you can use directly use the regular LCD functions to work with I2C like lcd.begin, lcd.print(“”), etc.Frequently used LCD Functions:To print a string we use lcd.print function with string in its parameters. This prints ‘Factory’ string in the 1 st row and ‘Forward’ in the 2 nd row.Important Note: The columns and rows position starts with 0 th location.Example: 7 th column and 2 nd row are mentioned as (6, 1).lcd.print:This function is used to print a message on LCD.