Plugins For Pcsx2 0.9.7

Getting the PS2 Emulator1. Download 7Zip2. Download PCSX2 0.9.63. Download PCSX2 0.9.74. Extract 0.9.6 and 0.9.7 into separate folders5. Take the Bios files in 0.9.6's folder and put it into 0.9.7's Bios Folder6 Take the Plugins in 0.9.6's Plugins Folder and put it in 0.9.7's Plugins Folder7.

Download Megapad and put it into 0.9.7's Plugins Folder8. Delete 0.9.6 folder and after Start the PCSX2 0.9.7 application (pcsx2)9. Choose this Options - Uncheck 'use default setting' Browse (Make a folder before Browsing)- Choose 'Next '- GS: GSdx 2042 (MSVC 15.00,SSE2) 0.1.15 GSdx-SSE2- PAD: MegaPad plugin (beta) 2.0.0 Megapad (If you don't have a Joypad)- SPU2: For sound SPU2-X 1.3.0 SPU2-X- SPU2: For speed SPU2null 0.8.0 SPU2null- CDVD: cdvdGigaherz (r2007) 0.8.0 cdvdGigaherz- USB, FW, DEV9 doesn't need to be Configured- Choose 'Next '- Choose 'USA v02.00 Console'- Choose 'Finish'10. Go to Config General Settings SpeedhacksTry this settings if you need the Speed- EE Cyclerate: 2- VU Cycle Stealing: 2 or 3- mircoVU Hacks: Check all Settings- Other Hacks: Check all SettingsNote: Read each setting, before or after trying them out.

Pcsx2 1.4.0 Plugins Download

Plugins For Pcsx2 0.9.7

If the graphics aren't goodTry this settings- EE Cyclerate: 1 or 2- VU Cycle Stealing: 1- mircoVU Hacks: Uncheck all Settings- Other Hacks: Only Check 'Recommend' and/or All settings11. Read 'Game Fixes', 'Plugins' its to change your plugins and configure, 'Folders' its to change where something is and 'CPU' I haven't missed withTo Configure each Setting GS, PAD, SPU2.1. Go to Config Plugins GS - Resolution: 800x600 60Hz- Renderer: Direct3D9 Hardware or Software- Interlacing: If shaking or blur- Aspect Ratio: Stretch- D3D internal res: Check NativePad - Configure all the KeysSPU2 - SPU2-X 1.3.0 SPU2-X Read when changing settings- SPU2null 0.8.0 SPU2null No Sound, more SpeedCDVD - '@ (Disc)' if the game is downloaded- 'D: ' if the game is on a DiscFor Playing PS2 roms1. To download and put together PS2 roms- Run 7zip setup/INDENT- Download parts 001, 002,003. and put them into a folde- Extract the First Part '7z.001' anywhere or into the folderTip- What I do is make a 'PS2 Rom' folder and put that folder into the emulator folder.- If your going to put it on a DVD disc you would need the 'sfv' file2. To choose a game go to Boot Select CDVD source Iso Browser. And choose a PS2 Rom3.


To start a game go to Boot Run CDVDLinksMegapadPCSX2(0.9.6)(0.9.7 Beta)7zip. Want to ask about plugins if you don't mind me posting here. O.oMusashi: Samurai Legend (Crashes at certain time, random places)My comp specs:MS Windows XP Professional SP2Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz1.0GB RAMATI Radeon HD3450I'm using PCSX2 0.9.6, What plugins is good to use?I have only got 15 - 30 FPS so far lol depends on the monsters/npc around.oh 1 more thing:where did you get the bios 'USA v02.00 Console'?I'm not asking for the download link or something, just wondering if you got it from your PS 2 or googling.

Want to ask about plugins if you don't mind me posting here. O.oMusashi: Samurai Legend (Crashes at certain time, random places)My comp specs:MS Windows XP Professional SP2Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz1.0GB RAMATI Radeon HD3450I'm using PCSX2 0.9.6, What plugins is good to use?I have only got 15 - 30 FPS so far lol depends on the monsters/npc around.oh 1 more thing:where did you get the bios 'USA v02.00 Console'?I'm not asking for the download link or something, just wondering if you got it from your PS 2 or googling.Google. Want to ask about plugins if you don't mind me posting here. O.oMusashi: Samurai Legend (Crashes at certain time, random places)My comp specs:MS Windows XP Professional SP2Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo E7500 2.93GHz1.0GB RAMATI Radeon HD3450I'm using PCSX2 0.9.6, What plugins is good to use?I have only got 15 - 30 FPS so far lol depends on the monsters/npc around.oh 1 more thing:where did you get the bios 'USA v02.00 Console'?I'm not asking for the download link or something, just wondering if you got it from your PS 2 or googling.Sorry for How I replied here you go. Okay, yesterday I transfered some of my files from my First Laptop to my Second Laptop.

Plugins For Pcsx2 0.9.7 2

Not because something wouldn't work, its my Second is 2.0GB Faster, though Windows XP would give me less trouble. Hello,new to this siteweb. Well i tried all this steps,but some versions aren't same. Emulation Ps2 0.1.6,there's not that. There is 1.0.0 soo, some are different.But i could play a game kingdmo hearts 2,and it slows sometime and little annoying graphic (like earthquake but abit),sometime it lags like 15 fps - 20. In time, but sometime it stops lagging like 50 or 30 fps. Wish i could play faster to get level 40 because my ps2 is almost sold or still not work (that's a console).i started Kh 2 again.

Download Plug-ins For Pcsx2

Like level 1. I wanna in middle of game. T.T but a way i dont know how to get saves from battery from ps2 video game into laptop, it's much very different to do. And maybe no tools for it.I hope someone could understand this. I am from brazil. And i am deaf,half blind, drawer and sometime of gamer.