Naked News October 31
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This week, How Panasonic is using internet honeypots to improve IoT device security, A new Windows 10 ransomware threat?, 'Hackable' karaoke and walkie talkie toys found by Which?, Linux Bug Opens Most VPNs to Hijacking, New Office 365 Feature Provides Detailed Information on Email Attack Campaigns, and Google Confirms Critical Android 8, 9 And 10 Permanent Denial Of Service Threat! In the expert commentary, we welcome Tyler Robinson, Managing Director of Network Operations at Nisos, Inc, to discuss Sophos Uncovering New Version of Snatch Ransomware!Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Microsoft OAuth Flaw Opens Azure Accounts to Takeover, Vulnerabilities Disclosed in Kaspersky, Trend Micro Products, Critical Code Execution Vulnerability Found in GoAhead Web Server, and StrandHogg Vulnerability Allows Malware to Pose as Legitimate Android Apps! In the expert commentary, we welcome back Adam Gordon from ITPro.TV, to discuss DevSecOps and the Culture Clash in Organizations!Show Notes:To learn more about ITPro.TV, visit:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, PoC exploit code for Apache Solr RCE flaw is available online, Some Fortinet products used hardcoded keys and weak encryption for communications, Critical Flaws in VNC Threaten Industrial Environments, Twitter allows users to use 2FA without a phone number, and Smash-and-grab car thieves use Bluetooth to target cars containing tech gadgets! In the expert commentary, we welcome back Jason Wood from Paladin Security, to discuss an Iranian hacking crew that is targeting Industrial Control Systems!Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook.
This week, Vulnerabilities in Android Camera Apps Exposed Millions of Users to Spying, what to do if surveillance has you worried, GitHub launches Security Lab to boost open source security, Disney+ Credentials Land in Dark Web Hours After Service Launch, and 146 security flaws uncovered in pre-installed Android apps! In the expert commentary, we welcome Bob Erdman, Sr. Manager of Product Management at Core Security, a HelpSystems Company, to talk about Effective Phishing Campaigns!Show Notes:To learn more about Core Security, a HelpSystems company, visit:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, BlueKeep freakout had little impact on patching, Experts warn of spike in TCP DDoS reflection attacks targeting Amazon and others, Nvidia patches graphics products and GeForce Experience update tool, hackers breach ZoneAlarm's forum site, and how Apple is to fix Siri bug that exposed parts of encrypted emails!
In the expert commentary, we welcome Dan DeCloss, Founder and CEO of PlexTrac, to talk about Communicating Vulnerabilities!To learn more about PlexTrac, visit:Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, aggressive IoT malware that's forcing Wi-Fi routers to join its botnet army, Google discloses Chrome Zero-Day exploited in the wild on Halloween, the first Bluekeep exploit found in the wild, and oC Exploits Published for Unpatched RCE Bugs in rConfig!
In the expert commentary, we welcome Sean O'Brien, Founder, and CEO of PrivacySafe, to talk about Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant hacked via Laser Beam!Show Notes:To learn more about PrivacySafe, visit:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, researchers turn Alexa and Google Home into credential thieves, Microsoft aims to block firmware attacks with new secured-core PCs, the popular VPN service NordVPN confirms data center breach, a 4-year-old critical Linux Wi-Fi bug allows system compromise, and US nuclear weapons command finally ditches 8-inch floppies!
In the expert commentary, we welcome Jason Wood, to discuss the Evolution of False Flag Operations!Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Signal App rushes to patch serious eavesdropping vulnerability, Wi-Fi signal let researchers ID people through walls from their gait, the FBI warns about attacks that bypass MFA, Vulnerable Twitter API leaves tens of thousands of iOS apps open to attacks, and D-Link home routers open to remote takeover will remain unpatched! In the expert commentary, we welcome Justin Elze from TrustedSec, to talk about Red Teaming and Adversary Emulation!Show Notes:To learn more about TrustedSec, visit:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, 335 Million Malicious apps were installed on Google Play in September, a new bug found in NSAs Ghidra tool, a Medical Practice closed permanently after a Ransomware attack, researchers find a new hack to read content of password-protected PDF files, and a billboard in Michigan was hacked to play Pornography for drivers along I-75! In the expert commentary, we welcome Sean O'Brien, Founder and CEO of PrivacySafe, to talk about PrivacySafe - The Anti Cloud Appliance!To learn more about PrivacySafe, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Facebook suspends tens of thousands of apps from hundreds of developers, a Privilege Escalation flaw found in Forcepoint VPN Client for Windows, WannaCry and why it never went away, 0patch promises support for Windows 7 beyond January 2020, and how the FBI arrests more than 200 hackers in different countries!
In the expert commentary, we welcome Grant Sewell, Director of IT Security at Safelite Autoglass, to talk about Risk-based security and identity controls, and the Use of Preempt Security's Platform!To learn more about Preempt, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, experts disclosed passcode bypass bug in iOS 13 a week before release, drone attacks hit two Saudi Arabia Aramco oil plants, Google fixes 2FA flaw in built-in security key, LastPass fixes bug that leaks credentials, AMD Radeon Driver flaw lead to VM escape, and how the Air Force will let hackers try to hijack an orbiting satellite! In the expert commentary, we welcome George Avetisov, CEO and Co-Founder at HYPR Corp., to talk about True Passwordless Security!To learn more about Hypr, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, 60,000 GPS trackers for people and pets are using the same password, YouTube fined $170m for covertly tracking kids online, a free working exploit for BlueKeep, WordPress 5.2.3 fixes new clutch of security vulnerabilities, critical Exim flaw opens millions of servers to Takeover, cyberattack Disrupted Firewalls at U.S. Power Utility, a Million-plus IoT Radios Open to Hijack via Telnet Backdoor, Vulnerabilities in D-Link, Comba Routers Can Leak Credentials, and vulnerabilities exposed 2 million Verizon customer contracts. In the expert commentary, Matt Alderman talks about the slew of ransomware attacks, and pay-offs, targeted at cities and municipalities earlier this year, is the tide starting to turn?Full Show Notes: Visit to get all the latest episodes! This week, hackers indiscriminately infected iPhones for two years, Google throws bug bounty bucks at mega-popular third-party apps, how Jack Dorsey's Twitter account got hacked, and how attackers are exploiting vulnerable WordPress plugins to backdoor sites!
In the Expert Commentary, Larry Alston of Tufin joins us to discuss Developing and Enforcing Security Policies in the Cloud!To learn more about Tufin, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, 61 impacted versions of Apache Struts let off security advisories, a hacker publicly releases Jailbreak for iOS version 12.4, Chrome users ignoring warnings to change breached passwords, an unpatchable security flaw found in popular SoC boards, and a reward up to $30,000 for find vulns in Microsoft Edge dev and beta channels! In the expert commentary, we welcome Jason Wood, to discuss Ransomware and City Governments!Full Show Notes:Roman Sannikov, Recorded Future -Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, a rare steganography hack can compromise fully patched websites, the Louisiana governor declares state of emergency after a local ransomware outbreak, Google found a way to remotely attack Apple iOS devices by sending a boobytrapped iMessage, and 100 million users data stolen in the Capital One breach! In the expert commentary, we welcome Jason Wood, to discuss how the U.S. Issues a hacking security alert for small planes!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, a bug in NVIDIAs Tegra Chipset opens doors to Malicious Code Execution, hackers publish a list of phished Discord creds, Equifax to pay up to $700 Million in 2017 data breach settlement, several vulnerabilities found in Comodo Antivirus, and VLC player has a critical RCE flaw with no patch available!
In the expert commentary, we welcome Jason Wood, to discuss why Corporate Mobile Security just isn't cutting it!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, the Zoom RCE flaw is affecting RingCentral and Zhumu, a researcher releases PoC code for critical Atlassian Crowd RCE flaw, thousands of legacy Lenovo storage devices exposed millions of files, unusual Linux ransomware targets NAS servers, and how hacked hair straighteners can threaten your home! In the expert commentary, we welcome our CEO Matt Alderman, to discuss Facebook's $5 Billion dollar FTC fine!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, cryptomining malware that launches Linux VMs on Windows and macOS, Oracle patches another actively-exploded WebLogic 0-day, LokiBot and NanoCore malware distributed in ISO image files, and an anonymous hacker that was exposed after dropping a USB drive while throwing a Molotov cocktail!
In the expert commentary, we welcome Tyler Hudak, Practice Lead of Incident Response to talk about TrickBot malware!Learn more about TrustedSec, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, prevent the impact of a Linux worm, Yubico recalls FIPS Yubikey tokens after flaw discovered, how fraudulent domains hide in plain site, Samsung reminds rabble to scan smart TV's for viruses and makes them forget, and the scraping of millions of Venmo transactions in a privacy warning to consumers! In the expert commentary, we welcome Sagi Bar-Zva, Strategic Pre-Sales Manager from Tufin to talk about Using Automation to Improve Your Overall Security Posture!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, a botnet that's targeting 1.5 million RDP servers worldwide, VLC Player gets patched for two highly severe bugs, thousands of images stolen from US border hack, Troy Hunt looks to sell I Been Pwnd, and a near-ubiquitous critical Microsoft RCE bugs affect all versions of Windows! In the expert commentary, we welcome back Jason Wood from Paladin Security to talk about how the Evolution of Extortion Emails continues!
All that and more, on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, SUPRA Smart TV flaw lets attackers hijack screens with no video, 20,000 Linksys routers leak historic record of every device ever connected, a new attack creates ghost taps on Android smartphones, and an Australian teenager that hacked into Apple twice to get a job! In the expert commentary, we welcome Winn Schwartau from the Security Awareness Company to talk about Ethical Bias in Artificial Intelligence-Based Security Systems!To learn more about SAC, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Microsoft brings hardware-based isolation to Chrome & Firefox, the U.S. Border's license plate scanning technology hacked, crooks leverage WordPress and Joomla sites for malicious redirects, the Chinese military wants to replace Windows OS in fear of U.S. Hacking, and how Google-protected mobile browsers were open to phishing for over a year!
In the expert commentary, we welcome back Jason Wood from Paladin Security to talk about how almost one million are still vulnerable to the BlueKeep Vulnerability!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Unistellar attackers wiped over 12,000 MongoDB databases, a Slack bug that allows remote file hijacking, Baltimore ransomware nightmare could last weeks more, over 25,000 smart Linksys routers are leaking sensitive data, and Huawei's microchip vulnerability explained! In the expert commentary, we welcome Charles Thompson, Senior Director of Product Management at VIAVI to talk about Security Forensics!To learn more about VIAVI Solutions, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, software flaw exposed most dell computers to remote hacking, Israel neutralizes cyber attack by blowing up a building with hackers, an expert that found hundreds of vulnerable Jenkins plugins, a bug in Mirai code allows crashing C2 servers, and how researchers discovered a highly stealthy Microsoft Exchange Backdoor! In the expert commentary, the return of Jason Wood from Paladin Security, joins us to talk about how Japan is developing a computer virus to fight cyber attacks!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook.
This week, how a politicians' kids accessed his laptop through facial recognition, critical flaws in WordPress and Qualcomm chips, how 2 million IoT security cameras and baby monitors are vulnerable to takeover, and how a new Emotet variant uses connected devices as proxy C2 servers! In the expert commentary, the return of Jason Wood from Paladin Security, joins us to talk about how Microsoft is telling IT admins to nix 'obsolete' password reset practices!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, a weather channel that was knocked off air by a malicious attack, how bad bots make up 20 percent of web traffic, ransomware ravages municipalities nationwide, a flaw in Shopify API exposed revenue and traffic data of thousands of stores, and how attackers are weaponizing more vulnerabilities than ever before! In the expert commentary, we welcome Itai Tevet, CEO of Intezer, to talk about Linus threats, recent Mirai variants, and general code reuse in the cyber space!To learn more about Intezer, visit:Full Show Notes:Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, the Apache Tomcat Patches Important Remote Code Execution Flaw, New variants of Mirai botnet detected, targeting more IoT devices, Hackers used credentials of a Microsoft Support worker to access users' webmail, TicTocTrack Smartwatch Flaws Can Be Abused to Track Kids, Ecuador suffered 40 Million Cyber attacks after the Julian Assange arrest, Security weakness in popular VPN clients, and Open Source Tool From FireEye Automates Analysis of Flash Files!
In the expert commentary, Jason Wood talks about The Impact of Cyber Warfare! All that and more, on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes.
In-Depth Analysis of JS Sniffers Uncovers New Families of Credit Card-Skimming Code, Nvidia Fixes 8 High-Severity Flaws Allowing DoS, Code Execution, Computer virus alters cancer scan images, A Serious Apache server bug gives root to baddies in shared host environments, Cybercrime Groups Are Still Rampant on Facebook, 90% of OT organizations are cyberattack victims, Tenable Discloses Verizon Fios Router Vulnerabilities, and Samsung Galaxy S10 Fingerprint Sensor Duped With 3D Print!Neil Butchart the SVP at Ekran, comes on the show to talk about 'Is the industry broken?' To learn more about Ekran, visit:Full Show Notes. This week, Asus pushes patch after hackers used updates to send malware, Microsoft announces Windows Defender ATP Antivirus for Mac, researchers find 36 new security flaws in LTE protocol, new settings let hackers easily pentest Facebook and Instagram Mobile Apps, and how researchers can get a free Tesla for spotting infotainment system bug! Sven Morgenroth from Netsparker joins us for expert commentary to discuss how Facebook stored hundreds of Millions of user passwords in plain text!To learn more about Netsparker, visit:Full Show Notes:Subscribe to our YouTube channel:Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Zero-Days in Counter Strike client could be used to build a major botnet, huge aluminum plants hit by 'severe' ransomware attack, Myspace loses 50 million songs in server migration, wifi signals can reveal your password, and PuTTY in your hands: an SSH client gets patched after RSA key exchange memory vulnerability was spotted! Ralf Hund from VMRay joins us for expert commentary to discuss the Evolution of GandCrab!To learn more about VMRay, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook.
This week, a Severe RCE vulnerability affected popular StackStorm Automation software, Crowdfense is willing to pay $3 Million for iOS and Android Zero-Days, Equifax neglected cyber security prior to breach, Google launches new Cloud Security services, and an unprotected MongoDB instance exposes 800 million emails! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on how a researcher claims an Iranian APT is behind a 6TB Data Heist at Citrix!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, millions of utility customers passwords stored in plain text, Google ditches passwords in latest android devices, online validation services vulnerable to digital signature spoofing attacks, flaws in 4G and 5G allow snooping on calls, and TurboTax hit with credential stuffing attack and tax returns were compromised! Nicholas Sciberras from Acunetix joins us for expert commentary on how hackers created social media work after a bug report was ignored!To GET A FREE 14-DAY TRIAL of Acunetix, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Google paid out $3.4 million for vulnerabilities reported in 2018, hackers target WordPress sites via WP cost estimation plugin, Facebook paid $25,000 for CSRF exploit that leads to Account Takeover, and PoC Exploit Code for recent container escape flaw in runc published online!
Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on Apple being sued over their two factor authentication!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, your Lenovo X is watching you & sharing information, a client-side DNS attack emerges from academic research, a macOS vulnerability leaks safari data, hackers hit VFEmail & wipe US servers and backups, and a check-in system flaw puts major airlines at risk! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on how fraudsters are scamming teenage 'money mules' on Instagram and Snapchat!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, roughly 500,000 Ubiquiti devices may be affected by a flaw already exploited in the wild, Outlaw Shellbot infects Linux servers to mine for Monero, Apple's Siri shortcuts feature vulnerable to abuse, Google's new Chrome extension warns you about stolen passwords, and Google patches critical.png image bug! David Pearson from Awake Security joins us for expert commentary on recent news around Japan performing an IoT pentest on their public IPs!To learn more about Awake Security, visit:Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, a tool that finds vulnerable robots on the Internet, a new exploit that threatens over 9,000 Cisco routers, apple turns of group FaceTime after an eavesdropping bug, wordpress sites under attack via Zero-Day in abandoned plugin, and OpenBMC caught with 'pantsdown' over a new security flaw!
Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on Abusing Exchange: One API call away from Domain Admin!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, a flaw in MySQL could allow rogue servers to steal files, a state agency exposes 3TB of data including FBI info, how cybercriminals clean their dirty money, a critical RCE flaw in Linux APT allows remote attackers to hack systems, and how to protect against a new breed of cyber attack! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on how attackers used a LinkedIn job ad and Skype call to breach a bank's defense!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook.
This week, US Government shutdown leaves dozens sites vulnerable, Firefox 69 to disable Adobe Flash, an unpatched vCard flaw could leave your PCs open to attackers, Tesla's contest Pwn2Own could win you a Model 3, and how building site cranes are easier to hack than garage door openers! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on how the Boston Hospital Attacker was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, when meme's attack, how Google's taking steps to secure Kubernetes, suggestions for last minute Holiday IT gifts, Twitter fixes bug that exposed data, and how WordPress was targeted with clever SEO Injection Malware! Ed Sattar from Quickstart joins us for expert commentary on how to optimize your cyber security investment to maximize ROI, and more!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Google+ flaw leads Chocolate Factory to shut down early, 40,000 credentials for government portals found online, one tweak that can save you from NotPetya, ESET discovers 21 new Linux malware variants, and how this Phishing Scam group built a list of 50,000 execs to target!
Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on how Microsoft is calling for facial recognition tech regulation!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, hijacking printers to promote a YouTube channel, fake iOS apps that steal money, Google patches 11 critical RCE Android Vulnerabilities, Marriott hack hits 500 million Starwood guests, and getting Pwned through an oscilloscope!
Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary to discuss how the 'Iceman' hacker was charged with running a drone-smuggling ring from jail, and more!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, disastrous Rowhammer bitflips, malicious developer steals Bitcoin with NodeJS module, Germany proposes router security guidelines, Uber fined 148$ Million for data breach cover-up, Microsoft yanks two buggy Office patches, and a malware advertising campaign that impacts millions of iOS users! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for Expert Commentary to discuss how the FBI created a fake FedEx website to unmask a cybercriminal, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, what happens when support won't change your password, Gmail glitch Phishing Attacks, stopping the Infiltration of Things, Make-A-Wish website serves a Cryptojacking Script, Instagram exposes user passwords, and DirtyCOW is back in backdoor attack targeting Drupal Web Servers! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary to discuss how Ford is eyeing the use of customers personal data to boost profits!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, A one-liner exploit for X, the danger of searching for Chrome in Bing, exposing your Docker API, you can find sensitive data in the cloud, exploit users by embedded videos in Word documents, dead web apps, hacking BGP routes, a new DHCP vulnerability and hacking your brain!
Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary to discuss twelve malicious Python libraries found and removed from PyPI!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Critical Code execution flaws, WordPress working on wiping older versions from existence, Multiple serious flaws in Drupal, TCP/IP flaws leave IoT gear open to mass hijacking, jQuery plugin actively exploited for at least three years, Flaw in libssh leaves thousands of servers at risk of hijacking, and 8 adult websites exposes a bunch of 'intimate' user data! Leonard Simon from Springboard joins us for expert commentary on how to get into the field of Information Security!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook.
This week, Millions of voter records for sale on the Dark Web, Apple passcode bypass can access pictures and contacts, how Chrome and Firefox could ruin your business, Fake Adobe updates, Microsoft Zero-Day patch for JET bug incomplete, and 5 ways attackers are targeting the Healthcare Industry! Doug White joins us for expert commentary how China used a Tiny Chip to infiltrate America's top companies, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook. This week, Tenable researcher reveals extended MikroTik Router Vulnerability, Wi-Fi versions will get names people can actually understand, don't accept Facebook's 2nd friend request, Google Plus exposed 500,000 users data, weak passwords are being banned in California, and code execution bug in malicious repositories resolved by Git Project! Juxin Dyrmishi Brigjaj of Acunetix joins us for expert commentary to talk about the resurgence of XSS after the big British Airways and NewEgg Hack! All that and more, on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Sponsor Landing Page:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, Robocallers get huge fines for spoofing phone numbers, 100,000 home routers used for Brazilian hacking scam, 85 reasons to update your Adobe PDF software, 9 NAS bugs open LenovoEMC, 5 major Security updates for Chrome extensions, and Twitter bans distribution of hacked materials ahead of the US midterm elections!
Sven Morgenroth of Netsparker joins us for expert commentary this week on the most recent Facebook hack!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!Follow us on Twitter:Like us on Facebook. This week, WordPress sites backdoored with malicious code, Google's forced sign in to Chrome raises red flags, Newegg is victimized by Magecart Malware, a Woman hijacked CCTV cameras for Trump's inauguration, Bitcoin DDoS attacks, Cybercriminals target Kodi for Malware, and a Security Researcher is fined for hacking hotel Wifi. Jason Wood joins us for expert commentary on Google Chrome's 'dark pattern' of poor privacy changes, on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook. This week, Android OS API-Breaking Flaw, Thousands of MikroTik Routers Hacked, John McAfee's 'unhackable' Bitcoin wallet is hackable, misconfigured 3D printers, researchers used sonar signal to steal unlock passwords, and the Linux Foundation sets to improve Open-Source code security. Ron Gula of Gula Tech Adeventures joins us for expert commentary, so stay tuned for this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook. This week, AT commands will pwn your phone, Adobe gets creative with an update, protecting your pin, why companies should use the Google Play store, 0-day Windows vulnerabilities disclosed on Twitter, and side-channel attacks that can be mitigated with tin foil.
October 31 Birthdays
Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on an Enterprise version of Burp on the way, so stay tuned for this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook. This week, Hacking Blackhat Badges, USB Harpoons (not the ale), PHP attacks, privacy in Las Vegas hotels, or not, who is looking at your DNS requests?, AWS breaches. Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on Social networks getting fined for hosting terrorist content so stay tuned to this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook.
October 31 Holidays
This week, hacking AOL style, DHS attempts to secure critical infrastructure, hacking for poison, ERP targeting, hacking 10,000 Wordpress sites, prisoners steal things, wiping your car and get paid to hack your printer. Ed Sattar from QuickStart joins us for expert commentary with some tips for breach prevention, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook. This week, Edgy XSS bypass, hacking fitness tracking in China, Russian hackers love power, leaky backups, Google hates Phishing for Google employees, Apache Tomcat, Solaris vulnerabilities that weren't really fixed, OpenWhisk fails to beat a vulnerability.Full Show Notes: for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website: us on Twitter: us on Facebook. This week, fake tech support, your picture is your password, 007 to the rescue, Shun the non-believers or at least IP address hijackers, hacking the military with a router vulnerability, IoT search engines reveal passwords. Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on Sextortion Scams, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook.
October 31 Halloween
This week, Wordpress vulnerabilities are worse than you think, Apple updates, Learn lessons from Gentoo, Kim Dotcom, discovering 0-day exploits, bypassing Apple's USB restricted mode, Stolen certificates? Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on the Developer vs. Cybersecurity Team Battle, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook. This week, now there's a SECOND remote Rowhammer exploit, Chrome will remove secure indicator, Google offers free DDoS protection services, Intel is set to patch two new Meltdown/Spectre vulnerabilities, and more! Jason Wood from Paladin Security joins us for expert commentary on Non-Secure Healthcare data sharing, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes:Visit for all the latest episodes!Visit to sign up for a demo or buy our AI Hunter!!→Visit our website:→Follow us on Twitter:→Like us on Facebook.
Michael Santarcangelo and Jason Wood discuss Amazon Key’s launch, backdoors on phones, consumers distrusting businesses with data, IT professionals turning to cybersecurity, and more on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes: for all the latest episodes!→Visit our website: us on Twitter: us on Facebook: Doug White and Jason Wood discuss improvements to IoT, fooling millions of Android users, Google Play bug bounties, school boards being hacked by pro-ISIS groups, and more with Jason Wood on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes: for all the latest episodes!→Visit our website: us on Twitter: us on Facebook: Kaspersky has “nothing to hide”, the internet wants YOU, OS X malware runs rampant, WHOIS database slip-ups, and more.
Jason Wood discusses an attack on critical US infrastructure on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes: for all the latest episodes!→Visit our website: us on Twitter: us on Facebook: What you should know about the KRACK WiFi vulnerability, information on the ROCA attack, emptying ATMs, Google removes malicious extensions, and more. Don Pezet of ITProTV delivers expert commentary on the KRACK and ROCA on this episode of Hack Naked News!Full Show Notes: for all the latest episodes!→Visit our website: us on Twitter: us on Facebook: