Manly P Hall The Secret Destiny Of America Pdf
Full text of 'THE SECRET DE5TI8.OF AMERICAiBY MANLY PALMER HALLFIR-IT EDITIONPHILOSOPHICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY3341 Griffith Park Boulevard — Log Angeles 27, Calif.1. THE ORIGIN OF THE DEMOCRATIC IDEALWorld democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers.Thousands of years before Columbus they were aware of the existence of ourWestern Hemisphere and selected it to be the site of the philosophic empire.The brilliant plan of the Ancients has survived to our time, and it will continue tofunction until the great work is accomplished.The American nation desperately needs a vision of its own purpose.America can not refuse the challenge of leadership in the postwar world. Mere physicalreconstruction of ravaged countries and the reorganization of political, economic, and social systems is thelesser task we will face.
The larger problem and the great challenge is in how to set up a new order of worldethics firmly established on a foundation of democratic idealism.Experts in various fields have already submitted programs designed to meet the needs of those nationswhose way of life has been disrupted by war. But with the failing common to specially trained minds, theseplanners incline to think mostly in the terms of their own particular interests. As yet, no one has touched thefundamentals of international ethics.
No one has advanced a working plan securely based upon a broad, deep,and sympathetic understanding of the human being and his problems. The thinking has been in the dual fieldsof power politics and material economics, with remedies expressed in terms of charts, blueprints, patterns, andindustrial programs.But, there is one new and encouraging element present in most of the recommendations of today'sexperts. They are recognizing the necessity of conceiving the world as one inter-dependent structure. Yet,even as they recognize the need for a unity of human interests, their recommendations are for the perpetuationof highly competitive economic policies, which, if they are consistently applied, must lead in the end to war anddiscord.It is not an easy task to unite the efforts of the human race toward the accomplishment of any commongood. Mankind in the majority is selfish, provincial in attitude, and concerned primarily with personal successand acquiring creature comforts. It will not be possible to build an enduring peace until the average man hasbeen convinced that personal selfishness is detrimental to personal happiness and personal success. It must beshown that self-seeking has gone out of fashion, and that the world is moving on to a larger conception ofliving.The postwar planners have more of idealism in their programs than has ever before been expressed inthe problem of the relationships of nations.
But it still is not enough. A clear and complete statement of aworld purpose is required— a world dream great enough to inspire unity of world effort.These are the days of America's opportunity to lead a still troubled mankind toward a better way of life.If we meet this challenge, we will insure not only survival of our nation for centuries to come, but we shall gainthe enduring gratitude of our fellowmen and Americans will be remembered to the end of time as a greatenlightened people.It is not enough that we solve particular problems.
We must solve the very cause of problem itself.Wars, depressions, crime, dictators and their oppressions, are the symptoms giving clear indication of a greaterailment. To examine each problem solely in terms of the problem itself, without recognition of its truerelationship to a larger and more universal necessity, is to fail in the broader implications of an enduring peaceand prosperity.Experience should have taught us long ago that policies which have originated from material con-siderations and attitudes have proved inadequate. The whole story of civilization and the records of history tellus that all such adjustments hold no hope of lasting peace or security. But, here we are again preparingourselves to be satisfied with temporary solutions for permanent problems.The recognition is long overdue that we oversimplify the problem of world peace when we think thatprocess is one of breaking the task down for examination of its materialistic parts, and then hopefully devisingan applicable remedy for each of these. The physical conditions of human existence are not the whole of thehuman problem. We could adjust all material considerations to the point of supremest equity, and yetaccomplish virtually nothing solutional.The greatest of known problems is the human problem.
And not until all embracing examination ismade into every phase of human needs can there be an adequate reconstruction policy for a postwar world.That man is physical is obvious; but he is also mental, and emotional; he is spiritual, and he has a soul. Theselatter factors are not so obvious.What to do about them is not so easy; for they are difficult to understand, and even more difficult toclassify and reduce to a working pattern. We as builders of a civilization will have to learn that only whenequal consideration is given to each of these elements of man's nature will we arrive at the solutions for thedisasters into which men and nations precipitate themselves.Our postwar reconstructors— ours, if not by our selection, at least with our consent— are not outstandinglyqualified for this broader task. Few indeed are the statesmen and politicians who have any conception of manas a spiritual being.
And as for military leaders, they are primarily disciplinarians, invaluable as such in timesof war, but not at all emotionally geared to problems of individualistic peacetime character. And world plan-ners recruited from among our industrial leaders, it must be admitted, are not generally informed on theworkings of the human psyche. Those who have made the study of human conduct their life work, thesociologists, have little scientific knowledge of the hidden springs that animate that very conduct into itsamazing diversity of manifestations. And if a word is to be said for bringing in the clergy, it might be that thetheologian planner who will be truly useful will be one who acquires at least some knowledge of the science ofbiology.We are displaying a woeful lack of vision in the way we fumble with the eternal laws of life. It is notenough that we now hopefully create a setup permitting men to give allegiance with their minds or to servefaithfully with their bodies. We must some day face the truth that man is inevitably and incurably an idealist;for this is the truth that will set us free.
Man's need is for the idealistic content of his nature to be properlynourished; then his whole consciousness will impel him to right action -and then no more will our laws fail,treaties be broken, and the rights of man stand violated.The American nation desperately needs a vision of its own purpose. It must conceive it in a generousidealism, great and strong enough to bind thoughtless and selfish persons to something bigger than themselves.It must recognize that it is in the intangible ideal that the foundations are laid for all seeable good, must knowthat the truly practical course and the course of hard realism for America is the one that is laid basically in agenerous idealism.This is more than an indicated course. It is one that we inevitably must follow, guided by the hand ofdestiny.Believing this to be so, I dedicate this book to the proposition that American Democracy is part of aUniversal Plan.Our world is ruled by inflexible laws which control not only the motions of the heavenly bodies, but theconsequences of human conduct. These Universal motions, interpreted politically, are impelling human societyout of a state of autocracy and tyranny to democracy and freedom.
This motion is inevitable, for the growth ofhumans is a gradual development of mind over matter, and the motion itself represents the natural andreasonable unfoldment of the potentials within human character.Those who attempt to resist this motion destroy themselves. To cooperate with this motion, and toassist Nature in every possible way to the accomplishment of its inevitable purpose, is to survive.Thousands of years before the beginning of the Christian era many enlightened thinkers discovered thewill of God as expressed through Nature in the affairs of men. They made known their discoveries in terms ofreligions, philosophies, sciences, arts, and political systems. These first statements are now the admiredmonuments of ancient learning.
Manly P Hall The Secret Destiny Of America Pdf Full
Available to men of today, they are generally ignored.Years of research among the records of olden peoples available in libraries, museums, and shrines ofancient cultures, has convinced me that there exists in the world today, and has existed for thousands of years, abody of enlightened humans united in what might be termed, an Order of the Quest. It is composed of thosewhose intellectual and spiritual perceptions have revealed to them that civilization has a Secret Destiny— secret,I say, because this high purpose is not realized by the many; the great masses of peoples still live along withoutany knowledge whatsoever that they are part of a Universal Motion in time and space.Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Buddha, Jesus and Mohammed are among the greatest names recorded inhistory; but it is not customary to regard the men who bore these names as statesmen or sociologists. They arethought of as philosophers, sages, seers, and mystics, whose doctrines have no application to the political needsof an industrial civilization. Yet it is men like Plato and Buddha who still exercise the most powerful force inmortal affairs toward the perpetuation and preservation of a civilized state among all nations.All of the great leaders of ancient times realized and taught that the establishment of a state of per-manent peace among the nations depended upon the release of human ideals, but through properly trained anddisciplined minds capable of interpreting these ideals in terms of the common good.World democracy was the secret dream of the great classical philosophers. Toward the accomplishmentof this greatest of all human ends they outlined programs of education, religion, and social conduct directed tothe ultimate achievement of a practical and universal brotherhood. And in order to accomplish their purposesmore effectively, these ancient scholars bound themselves with certain mystic ties into a broad confraternity. InEgypt, Greece, India, and China, the State Mysteries came into existence.
Orders of initiated priestphilosopherswere formed as a sovereign body to instruct, advise, and direct the rulers of the States.Thousands of years ago, in Egypt, these mystical orders were aware of the existence of the westernhemisphere and the great continent which we call America. The bold resolution was made that this westerncontinent should become the site of the philosophic empire. Just when this was done it is impossible now tosay, but certainly the decision was reached prior to the time of Plato, for a thinly veiled statement of thisresolution is the substance of his treatise on the Atlantic Islands.One of the most ancient of man's constructive ideals is the dream of a universal democracy and acooperation of all nations in a commonwealth of States. The mechanism for the accomplishment of this idealwas set in motion in the ancient temples of Greece, Egypt, and India.
So brilliant was the plan and so well wasit administrated that it has survived to our time, and it will continue to function until the great work isaccomplished.Philosophy set up its house in the world to free men by freeing them of their own inordinate desires andambitions. It saw selfishness as the greatest crime against the common good, for selfishness is natural to allwho are untutored. It recognized that the mind has to be trained in the laws of thinking before men can becapable of self-rulership. And it knew that the democratic commonwealth can be a reality only when our worldis a world of self-ruling men.And so it is from the remote past, from the deep shadows of the medieval world as well as from theearly struggles of more modern times, that the power of American democracy has come.
But we are only onthe threshold of the democratic state. Not only must we preserve that which we have gained through ages ofstriving, we must also perfect the plan of the ages, setting up here the machinery for a world brotherhood ofnations and races.This is our duty, and our glorious opportunity.It seems to me that the basic plan for the postwar world should be one solidly founded in this greatdream of Universal Brotherhood. It is not enough to work on the problem solely in terms of politics andindustry. The formula must express a broad idealism, one which appeals to the finest intuitions of man, and oneuniversally understandable by all who have lived, dreamed, and suffered on this mortal sphere.2. THE WORLD'S FIRST DEMOCRATThe leader who had the first social consciousness in the administration of a nationwas a Pharaoh of Egypt, Akhnaton. Born several thousand years too soon,he was the first realist in democracy, the first humanitarian, the first internationalist.He saw that the duty of the ruler is to protect for all the right to live well, to think, to dream, to hope, and to aspire.For his dream of the Brotherhood of Man he cheerfully gave his life.cAkhnaton. Pharaoh of Egypt, bom 1588 B C.
Was thefirtt man in recorded hitfory to exemplify aocial contciou.-neu in the administration of a great nation. He lawevery living thing ai having a divine right to live well,to hope and to aapire ia a world governed by brotherlyloveMan has passed out of the state of savagery and become a civilized creature with the development ofsocial consciousness.
Civilization is a collective state. In our collective type of life the isolationist is adetriment to himself and a menace to all others.There is a great difference between isolationism and intellectualism.
Development of the mind releasesthe individual from mob psychology, but it does not set him apart from the common responsibilities of hiskind. A true thinker becomes a force for good within the group life. If his intellectual powers lure him awayfrom the practical problems and values of his world, he can no longer make his contribution to the social unity.Political reforms are not accomplished by the people, but through the people. Behind all collectiveprogress stands the enlightened individual's leadership. His superiority does not free him from commonresponsibility; his is the obligation to assume the greater burden of directing his vision to the well being of allhis people.Let us see how this works. We'll go far back to ancient times.Akhnaton, Pharaoh of Egypt, throned under the title Amen-Hotep IV, is often referred to as the firstcivilized human being. While this may not be literally true, he was definitely the first man in recorded historyto exemplify social consciousness in the administration of a great nation.Akhnaton, the beloved child of the Aton, was born at Thebes about 1388 B.C.
Like most of the princesof his house, he was extremely delicate as a child, and it was feared that he would not live to reach the throne;as the last of his line, the dynasty would end with him if he died without issue. For this reason he was marriedin his twelfth year to a ten year old Egyptian girl of noble birth, named Nefertiti.During the childhood of the young king, the Queen mother, Tiy, ruled as regent of the double empire.She is believed to have been of Syrian origin, which would account for the many strange and un-Egyptian ideasin religion, government and art which were developed during the reign of Akhnaton. Queen Tiy, brilliant andcapable, had recognized before her son reached his majority that in him were qualities more divine thanhuman. The son became the actual ruler of his country in his eighteenth year; his reign extended for seventeenyears.Akhnaton had been ruler of Egypt only about two years when he opposed his will to the priesthood ofAmon-Ra. By attacking the oldest and most firmly established of all Egyptian institutions, the young Pharaohcreated legions of enemies and brought down upon himself the wrath of the religion of the State. He couldscarcely have chosen a surer way of complicating the problems of his life.In the midst of this conflict he proclaimed a new spiritual dispensation, and to escape his enemies built anew capital city, one hundred and sixty miles up the Nile from Cairo.
His new faith was Atonism; and henamed his city Khut-en-Aton-the Horizon of the Aton-and dedicated the city with these words: 'Ye beholdthe City of the Horizon of Aton, which the Aton has desired me to make for Him as a monument, in the greatname of My Majesty forever. For it was Aton, my Father, that brought me to this City of the Horizon.' As High Priest of his new religion, Amen-Hotep IV changed his name to Akhnaton, because the oldername included the word Amen, whose faith he had rejected.Charles F. Potter, in his History of Religion, says of Akhnaton that he was, 'the first pacifist, the firstrealist, the first monotheist, the first democrat, the first heretic, the first humanitarian, the first internationalist,and the first person known to attempt to found a religion. He was born out of due time, several thousand yearstoo soon.'
From his twenty-sixth year to his thirty-first year, Akhnaton devoted his life to the perfection of hismystical doctrine in the city which he had built for the Ever Living God. Here he taught the mystery of theDivine Father, and wrote the simple and beautiful poems which have endured and survived time. To Akhnaton,God was not a mighty warrior ruling over Egypt, speaking through the oracles of his priests; he was not aSupreme Being flying through the air in a war chariot leading armies of destruction. Aton was the gentle fatherwho loved all his children, of every race and nation; and desired for them that they should live together in peaceand comradeship.Even more, God, the Aton, had created all the lesser creatures, whether birds that nested in the papyrusreeds along the banks of the Nile, or dragonflies with many colored wings that hovered over quiet pools and thelotus blooms. The Aton was the father of all beasts, and fishes, and flowers, and insects. He had fashionedthem in his wisdom and preserved them with his love and tenderness.Akhnaton, seated in the garden of his palace, spent many hours watching the flight of birds and listeningto the voices of little creatures.
He tells us that he found the Aton in all of them; and that his heart went out tothem, and he gave thanks for the goodness in everything that lived.This was a Pharaoh who traveled alone through the countryside, meeting the peasants, conversing withslaves, and sharing the simple food of the poor. To the most ignorant man he listened with profound respect,for in each of his subjects he sought and found the life of the Aton.
He saw the Universal God shining throughthe eyes of little children, beheld the beauty of the Aton in the bodies of the men who worked in the fields. Hecould not understand why others did not see God in everything, as he did.Like most of the great religious leaders, Akhnaton accepted the social problem of life as part ofreligion. He could not accept the inequalities of birth, wealth, or physical estate as a justification for menpersecuting each other or exploiting one another. He saw every living thing having a divine right— a right tolive well, to think, to dream, to hope, and to aspire. He saw it the duty of the ruler to protect this beauty in thehearts of his people, to nourish it, and to give every possible opportunity for its expression and perfection.Religious intolerance was impossible among those who worshipped the Atan, and there was no room forpolitical intolerance in a world governed by the laws of brotherly love. Each man became the protector andcomforter of all other men, cherishing the dreams of others equally with his own.In his personal life Akhnaton emerges as the first man in history to bring dignity and gentle beauty tothe management of his home. He was the father of seven daughters, to whom he was completely devoted, andin his speeches and public pronouncements he always referred to Queen Nefertiti as 'my beloved wife.'
It was usual for the Pharaohs to cause themselves to be depicted in great stone carvings upon the wallsof their palaces. They were represented as majestic figures, crowned and sceptered; they were shown eitherseated on their thrones or wielding their weapons against their foes. Akhnaton was the only Pharaoh in thehistory of Egypt who chose to be depicted with his arm about his wife, with his little daughters playing aboutand seated on his lap.As with the passing years the health of the Pharaoh grew worse, the opposition of the priesthood ofAmon-Ra grew greater; and his reign was complicated by invasions by the Hittite nations. The governors ofvarious provinces pleaded with him for help, but Akhnaton would not send armies.The dreamer king saw his lands pillaged and his cities conquered; but he would not kill his enemies;they, too, were children of the Aton.Akhnaton died in his thirty-sixth year, at the altar of the Aton in the temple of the faith he had created.When his mummy case was found, the following prayer to the Aton was discovered inscribed on golden foilbeneath his feet. 'I breathe the sweet breath which comes forth from Thy mouth. I behold Thy beauty everyday. Give me Thy hands, holding Thy spirit, that I may receive it and may be lifted by it.
Call Thou upon myname unto eternity, and it shall never fail.' In the words of the great Egyptologist, Professor Breasted, 'There died with him such a spirit as theworld had never seen before.' Akhnaton was the first man in history who dared to dream of the Brotherhood of Men, and he cheerfullygave his life and his empire for that dream.He is indeed, 'The beautiful child of the Living Aton, whose name shall live forever and ever.' 3 WESTWARD OCEAN TRAVEL TO THE EARTHLY PARADISEFrom Plutarch's description of voyages it can be calculated that our great continentin the Western Hemisphere was visited by the ancient Greeks;they not only reached our shores but explored part of the Great Lakes area.Under a thin veil of symbolism they perpetuated in mythology their knowledgeof our land, which they called blessed. The area was anciently set apart for coming generationsin the great human experiment of the democratic commonwealth.The ancient Greeks had a far better knowledge of geography than popular opinion today indicates.
Wehave been deceived as to the full measure of classical learning, because the Greeks did not commit the largerpart of their knowledge to writing, and they bound scholarship with the vow of secrecy.In ancient days all learning was regarded as sacred; wisdom was entrusted to the keeping of priest-philosophers; and they were permitted to communicate the choicest branches of the sciences only to dulyinitiated pupils.